"Monarch Mentors" provides opportunities for nature enthusiasts to learn about: habitat restoration in order to re-establish healthy numbers of monarchs & pollinators and then to help educate the public to plant native milkweed species and nectar-rich plants. This seems the only way for the low monarch populations to return to previous healthy numbers.
Habitat. Habitat. Habitat.
Video resources: General Monarch Conservation
THE WILD CENTER - The website for The Wild Center features two excellent lectures on monarch conservation. Drs Chip Taylor and Lincoln Brower each presented one hour lectures at the Center recently. Both lectures provide a strong background on the issues facing the summer and winter habitats of the monarchs. Some of the info may be too technical for the general public but all in all, they are very worthwhile to listen in multiple times to better understand the issues.
Dr Karen Oberhauser's monarch conservation webinar (Dec. 2014) is a great introduction to the issues facing monarchs' population.
Dr Gary Nabhan's Make Way for Monarchs talk at Prescott College in AZ highlights the challenges facing resource managers charged with expanding habitat to include native milkweeeds and nectar plants.
Dr Chip Taylor
1 hour lecture at Wild Center
To view the lectures, access: http://wildcenter.org/tag
To view Chip Taylor's talk on Youtube:

Dr Gary Paul Nabhan, founder of Make Way for Monarchs gave a great talk at Prescott College in Arizona in March 2014 providing a great overview of where we are in regards to monarch habitat restoration needs.

Dr Lincoln Brower
1 hour lecture at Wild Center
To view the lectures, access: http://wildcenter.org/tag
To view Dr Lincoln Brower's WILD CENTER talk on YouTube, click here:
Dr Karen Oberhauser
1 hour webinar at UMN-NCTC
Dr Karen Oberhauser of the University of Minnesota presented an excellent webinar/lecture on monarch conservation with the National Conservation Training Center (58 minutes). The webinar format enables the viewer to see the slides and listen to her lecture without having to advance the slides or read notes.
To access webinar, click:
General Public talk (PPT and KEY) slide show is
"under construction"
send an email to Ina to be notified when it is uploaded :-)
Another terrific talk is from the Fall 2014 BIONEERS Conference by Dr Janine Benyus. This talk is not specifically about monarchs but affirms a broad vision for biodiversity.