"Monarch Mentors" provides opportunities for nature enthusiasts to learn about: habitat restoration in order to re-establish healthy numbers of monarchs & pollinators and then to help educate the public to plant native milkweed species and nectar-rich plants. This seems the only way for the low monarch populations to return to previous healthy numbers.
Habitat. Habitat. Habitat.
Milkweeds for Monarch Waystations
Coming soon - local ideas on how to find milkweeds in the nursery trade, seed catalogs & local non profits...
In the meantime, you may wish to visit (and "like") the Facebook page called "Milkweeds for Monarch Waystations" (created 3/18/13; currently 4300+ subscribers, Dec. 2014) at this LINK.
Currently, two extensive printed resources exist for milkweeds.
1)"Milkweed - A Conservation Practioner's Guide" www.xerces.org/milkweeds-a-conservation-practitioners-guide is a wonderful, thorough professionally prepared resource written by Brianna Borders and Eric Lee-Mader of the Xerces Society. It is available as a free download in PDF form and can be printed locally or viewed on screen.
2) The Monarchs and Milkweeds Almanac is a two volume set of guides written/compiled by Ina Warren. In Volume 1, all 73 US species of Asclepias are described and discussed in terms of their natural and cultural histories. Together they exceed 365 pages plus a complete cross-referenced index. It is self published and is more for the lay reader, nature enthusiast and classroom teacher looking to excite students about monarch conservation. Includes a lot of humor, word puns, song lyrics, etc. Not your typical natural history book! Lots of laughs here in a couple of select pages of the Table of Contents !

Asclepias syriaca
Common Milkweed
Description coming soon.
Asclepias tuberosa
Butterfly Milkweed
Description coming soon.
Asclepias incarnata
Swamp (Rose) Milkweed
Description coming soon.

Asclepias exaltata
Poke (Tall) Milkweed
Description coming soon.

Asclepias curassavica
Tropical (annual) Milkweed
New research (2015)
has been published regarding keeping Tropical Milkweed (A.curassavica) alive over the winter in the South. For further reading on the science (and not just the sensational headlines in popular media),
access this link:

Asclepias variegata
White (Red ring) Milkweed
Description coming soon.